As a Mom, wife and business owner I am stepping up to lead Anne Arundel County in a different direction than we have been moving during the past 4 years. I believe in limited government by the peopIe, for the people and that the government exists to work for and serve you, not the other way around. I ask that you follow my campaign for the County Council, so when the time comes to vote on November 8th, I will have earned your support and your vote to serve as the next Council Representative for District 7.
I have lived in Anne Arundel County for 26 years, 22 of those in District 7, growing up, attending school, working for small businesses, running my own small business and now raising my family alongside my parents and Nana who also call District 7 home. I learned to drive a car going up and down Rt. 2 and Rt. 214 (and survived), played on the beach near Mayo Park and swam with friends and family off Turkey Point. I grew up crabbing in Beards Creek, picked pumpkins for Halloween off 424, cheered for the home Team at South River High School and my husband and I have spent countless afternoons on the soccer fields at Bell Branch Park in Crofton, where we live now. I am Shannon Leadbetter, and this is my hometown.
Shannon Leadbetter
for County Council

The daughter of a Naval Officer (USNA Class '72) and Southern High School Alumni, Shannon moved to Maryland when she was 5 years old when her Father's orders brought the family "home". She first became a resident of District 7 at the age of 9 when her family moved from Cape St. Clair to Riva, where Shannon attended Central Elementary, Middle and South River High School. After graduating Cum Laude from Bucknell University in 1998, Shannon worked as an Operations & Systems Consultant for a Fortune 500 Company outside New York City. In 2000, she returned home to Riva with plans pursue her law degree with the goal of serving in Government and Community Service. But life doesn't always go the way you planned. Shannon met and fell in love with a helicopter pilot in the United States Marines, and after 9/11 their plans for their lives took on new meaning, and a new direction.
Shannon and Wyland married in 2003 and she threw herself in supporting and sacrificing for him, the Marine Corps Community and our Country. Along the way she raised their sons Wyland IV and Robbie, often on her own during Wyland's many deployments, and built her own business where she rose to the top 1% in her industry.
In 2014 Wyland received orders to the Pentagon and they seized the opportunity to "bring Shannon home." They chose Crofton because of it's commutability, and it didn't take long for the rest of the family to put down roots. This was the first time the boys attended one school for more than 1 year. The family was sad to leave in 2017 for Wyland's final tour as a Squadron Commanding Officer, but knew they would return once he retired in 2019. Now that Wyland is retired from the Marine Corps they are happy to be back in Crofton and proud they can say their sons are 4th generation District 7 Residents!
The use of military rank, job titles and photos does not imply endorsement by the United States Marine Corps of Department of Defense
The use of military rank, job titles and photos does not imply endorsement by the United States Marine Corps of Department of Defense
Shannon has spent her adult life in service to others. Experience has taught her that Leadership begins with listening and a commitment to understanding people's needs. Her sole interests are the people of District 7 and she is committed to being your voice.
Shannon successfully built her business by inspiring, communicating, serving and leading a diverse team of almost 1,000 Independent Salespeople and hundreds of clients. In her business, Shannon focuses on how she can serve the needs of others, always honoring her guiding principle in life - that people come first. This focus along with her unparalleled work ethic and ability to bring people together, propelled Shannon to the top 1% of Independent Owners in her industry.
As a Mom she serves on the Executive Committee for the AACPS Citizens Advisory Committee and lead the fight to return Anne Arundel County Public School students to the classroom as many days as possible for the 20/21 school year and fought ensure a five day, full day regular schedule for students in 21/22. Shannon is a Member of the PTA and Booster Club, Manager for both son's Soccer Teams, has volunteered in the classroom, the library, chaperoned field trips, and this past spring volunteered as a Mid Day Monitor in a local Elementary School so that more students could return to school.

Testimony to return AACPS Students to Schools
As a Military Spouse Shannon served in the Key Volunteer program facilitating communication between the Marine Corps Squadron forward deployed in Iraq and families at home and fostering morale and family readiness.
As a Commanding Officer's Spouse Shannon served as the Command Team Advisor, serving the interests of Squadron Marines and their families by planning, guiding and executing the unit Family Readiness Program and Events within tight budgetary and legal constraints.